There are so many things that I see that I want for my home, but it's either outside of my price point or I feel I can just DIY it and save money.
That was the case for this painted basket that my little helper and I worked on. My mother n law and
I were hanging out one day and we stopped by the local Goodwill. I am a huge basket hoarder, the more you read my blog the more you will see I have a problem. So at this Goodwill, I spotted a nice big basket for $5.95. I knew I needed a big basket so it was perfect, but it needed some work.
Fast forward to about a week ago, I was browsing through IKEA when I spotted the perfect basket. I wanted it so bad, and it wasn't expensive, but then I thought. I just got that basket from Goodwill, it has the same shape and same handles. I think I can copy that!
So no it's not perfect (Nothing ever is though right, especially with kids helping) but I love it. It was great quality time with me and my little one.
Here is my inspiration and my copy cat
IKEA basket is $18.99. The total cost for my basket was $8.00.
And now for the not so pretty, behind the scene pictures. If you want the how-to on doing something similar, continue reading..
It was fairly easy. Just find a basket, tape and paint.
(and of course I don't have a full before picture, but you get the idea from these step by step photos)
First. Tape
Next. Paint. We used a cheap paint brush and cheap foam brush to get into all the nooks. We also did two coats.
Last. Let dry and remove tape.