DIY Corkboard Wall

One of the main features of my new home office is my corkboard wall. I have received alot of great feedback on it and requests for a tutorial. So, today is the day where I share all the details behind what went into making this feature wall.

DIY Corkboard Wall for Home Office from #Behindthebiggreendoor

So let's get straight into the tutorial! You'll want to read everything from beginning to end before you start.

Supplies Needed:

  1. Corkboard Roll 
  2. Spray Adhesive
  3. Finishing Nails
  4. Tape Measure
  5. Scissors 
  6. Leveler
  7. Hammer
  8. White Cardboard Paper
  9. Books
DIY Corkboard Wall for Home Office from #Behindthebiggreendoor


1. Measure the portion of the wall that you intend to cover with corkboard. You'll need to buy enough of the corkboard roll to cover this area. I ended up using 2 1/2 rolls. 

2. Unroll the corkboard roll and use books to flatten the corkboard. 

DIY Corkboard Wall for Home Office from #Behindthebiggreendoor
2. Spray the spray adhesive onto the corkboard, To help the adhesive to stick better, spray it and allow it to sit for about minute.

3. Adhere the cardboard sheets to the corkboard. Smooth out any air bubbles as you are applying the cardboard. Use books to add weight to the cardboard to help it stick to the corkboard. Allow this to sit for about 30 minutes

DIY Corkboard Wall for Home Office from #Behindthebiggreendoor

DIY Corkboard Wall for Home Office from #Behindthebiggreendoor

4. Cut off the excess corkboard that is not covered by cardboard. 

DIY Corkboard Wall for Home Office from #Behindthebiggreendoor

5. Once you have all pieces you can begin to afix them to the wall. I used finishing nails to hang my pieces on the wall. You will need an extra pair of hands for this as the corkboard is pretty floppy.

DIY Corkboard Wall for Home Office from #Behindthebiggreendoor

6. Hang all you pieces up until you have your wall covered. 

Things to know:
  • I purchased my corkboard roll from Hobby Lobby. It is VERY flimsy and easily tears. You'll want to be very careful when unrolling. This is the reason I adhered the cardboard onto the corkboard. It helps with the tearing.
  • Secondly, I started from the bottom and went up. Totally wrong way to do that! You want to start from the top of your wall and work your way down. 
  • Measure, Measure, Measure. What's the saying..."Measure twice, cut once" It's very important to do this. I ran into an issue where one section of the corkboard was too long. I have to use a box cutter to try and trim it down to the right size. It was not easy or pretty.
  • Lastly, I used ALOT of finishing nails on this. I would say I spaced them out every 3 inches. The corkboard tends to pop up so you want to make sure you have enough to hold it all to the wall.

Now the last thing for you to do is to decorate your corkwall. Do this according to your style and taste! I have to say, I absolutely love the way it turned out! 

DIY Corkboard Wall for Home Office from #Behindthebiggreendoor

DIY Corkboard Wall for Home Office from #Behindthebiggreendoor

DIY Corkboard Wall for Home Office from #Behindthebiggreendoor

Will you be giving this project a try. Let me know in the comments you thoughts and feedback! 


Behind the Big Green Door Beautiful Home Office Makeover #BBGD

We have come to the end of PROJECT: #1Room30days! I must say, I never thought I could get a room finished in 30 days. I worked with some amazing ladies who I challenged to take on the same task, and they did an awesome job!

Over the last 30 days I completely transformed my space! I was fortunate enough to have my post included in a great round-up of Home Offices by! Check out that post: HERE

You can catch up on everything I have done over the last 30 days by checking out my post:

This space went from being my daughter's bedroom to my junk room. You know the room where you just throw stuff in and then close the door and  pretend it's clean...yeah that kind of room. Here is what the room look like in March:

this is embarrassing ya'll, but it's the truth. and the truth will set me free! 

My plans for this space was to have it as my girl cave, my get away room and most importantly, my home office to focus on all things BBGD. I think I was able to accomplish that. I wanted something super feminine with a mix of glam and comfort. 

This room is broken up into two sides, the relaxing side and work side. The relaxing side is off to the left.

Behind the Big Green Door Beautiful Home Office Makeover #BBGD

This cozy little couch is from World Market. I picked this up about 3 years ago. The arms lay down so it turns into a twin sized bed. I knew from the beginning that I wanted a gallery wall. I picked up these prints and frames from Hobby Lobby. I love how it all came together. The colors are beautiful and the prints have special meaning to me.

Behind the Big Green Door Beautiful Home Office Makeover #BBGD

If you follow me on Instagram, you will remember I asked for advice on how to handle this bar cart. After weighing all my option I ended up leaving it as it. It's a black brown color but I actually like how it looks in the space. This little cart is from IKEA and was found in the As-Is section.

Behind the Big Green Door Beautiful Home Office Makeover #BBGD

I turned my old junk basket into a basket for my little plant. I'm all about re-purposing and saving coins so this was a great way to cut back on spending.

Behind the Big Green Door Beautiful Home Office Makeover #BBGD

The right side of my room is for work. I created this corkboard wall here and I absolutely love it!

Behind the Big Green Door Beautiful Home Office Makeover #BBGD

One thing I didn't want to do was spend alot of money. In order to do that I thrifted alot of my office items. The shelves hanging up and this basket for my plant was actually a thrift find from my good friend Erin. Also, most of my desk supplies are from the thrift store and were either left as is, like these paper holders or updated with gold spray paint (like my wastebasket and penholder).

Behind the Big Green Door Beautiful Home Office Makeover #BBGD

Behind the Big Green Door Beautiful Home Office Makeover #BBGD

This file cabinet was also a thrift find that I spray painted white. It really comes in handy for all the paperwork and books that can pile up.

Behind the Big Green Door Beautiful Home Office Makeover #BBGD

I want to keep my desk clean, one thing I hate most is a cluttered desk. I won't even leave my desk at work for the day without cleaning it and I'm constantly cleaning it throughout the day. I want that same clutter free desk that I have at work to be in my home office. I have only a few things on my desk and everything else is in a box or in my file cabinet.

Behind the Big Green Door Beautiful Home Office Makeover #BBGD

Behind the Big Green Door Beautiful Home Office Makeover #BBGD

Behind the Big Green Door Beautiful Home Office Makeover #BBGD

Behind the Big Green Door Beautiful Home Office Makeover #BBGD

So what do you think of my finished space?? I have to tell you, I love it!

Now, below you can check out some of the participants progress! I'm telling these ladies put in some work!

An InLinkz Link-up

You can also check out the participants progress on Instagram by searching hashtag: #1Room30Days. If you are interested in joining in for JUNE or AUGUST you can register HERE.