Command Centers are all the rage now-a-days. I'm pretty late to the train but glad I finally got on board. About 8 months ago one of my friends gave me the suggestion of making a command center. I saw many on Pinterest that were super cute, I had a blank wall, so I figured I'd give it a shot.
Over the past 6 months I have slowly been turning my hallway wall into a command center. What is a command center you may ask: Well the best I way I can explain it is that it's a go-to area for mail, calendar, to-go list, notes, memo, etc. Think of it as the business hub of your home.
Some things that were necessary for my command center was a calendar, pin board, mail area, and a clock. I wanted to stay on a small budget with this thing so I was careful in my planning and purchasing. To add a bit of jazz to this command center I used chalkboard paint as a background for the wall. This was my first time using it and I love it!
I painted the wall about 6 months ago and my daughter and her friends have had a good time drawing and writing on it. Here's how I addressed the area of my command center
Our kitchen counter is generally covered with mail. To address that I decided we would have a dedicated area for mail. I had some thrifted file folders on hand that I figured would be good to hold mail. I spray painted them bronze and turned them on their side. They were a dollar a about bargain!
Although it is only 3 of us in the house, we have quite a busy schedule. Keeping up with dates can be somewhat of a challenge, so having a calendar is a must. Since this is a wall command center I knew it would need to be oversized. I purchased a desk calendar from Target for about $8 that fit perfectly.
Our daughter gets a million little notes and reminders from school. I knew a pin board would be needed to keep all this together. I used small corkboard squares to gather all of the random notes we get. Another thing that is important is to just leave messages in general for each other. We don't always work the same schedule so leaving reminder messages on the board is a great way to quickly pass a reminder.
Time management is a must in every house. The message board is right outside of the bathroom. We all tend to use the same shower, although we have more, we favor the water pressure and size of our daughter's bathroom. In the mornings, we easily lose track of time. Now we have a clock right where we need it! ....when I ran across this clock in Target's clearance section, I knew I have to have it! I love it! Can you tell?
Lastly, I added this bowl I found at Goodwill $3.00 to collect pens, pins, dry erase markers, chalk and anything else we need.
Putting this wall together was a blast! Loved-loved-loved doing it! Truth is, I am so unorganized that I need this in my life. It's a shame it took 6 months to get this done, this easily could be done over the weekend. But hey, it's done now!
Here is how it all looks together!
Now that is is all finished, we have been enjoying using it!