Now on to the details, here's what I originally started with:
Yes, my chairs really looked like this..hanging fabric and all. I had changed the fabric on these chairs a couple of times and some kind of way it ended up getting to this point.
If you follow me on Insta you will know of me sharing my bargain find at Hobby Lobby. Here's the fabric that I found. I love the texture and color.
I use my step by step guide to reupholster the chairs. The process seemed to take forever for some reason, or maybe I was just super impatient at the time. Nevertheless, I got it done.
So I completed step one of breaking up this set, and trying to make it look less "out of the box." If you want to see what it originally started with, check out my previous post. Up next I'll be looking to add some different style chairs to the table, maybe I will get lucky and find something thrifted. If not, I have my eye on something at World Market that I think will fit just fine.
Love the fabric, Alaya!!!